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Book of Answers

The Bible… Should be called the Book of ANSWERS.

Why are Women called women?

Question: Why are women called Women? Answer: #ThereIsABook… (Genesis 2:21) And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; (Genesis … Continue reading

The Beauty of Creation

So I was on Twitter the other day and I encountered this guy who said he is Atheist because God gave us NO knowledge… (About Neutrons, Cells, etc.) No Knowledge? Questions: -Who taught the first human what to eat? -who … Continue reading

Kind Man On Bus

I saw this online the other day, and I had to Share this with you all. Now this is what I call Brotherly Love!


Jesus…. J- justifies E- every S- sinner U- unto S- salvation ** How Awesome is that 🙂

A broken spirit, and a contrite heart.

God will NEVER turn away an apologetic heart…. and a Humble spirit is pleasing in his sight…. He is slow to anger, and he is quick to forgive…

Why should we be humble?

I want to be as humble as JESUS. Imagine that…. KING of the Universe, but not TOO PROUD to wash the feet of his friends. …. That is LOVE.

Where does Worry come from?

Worry comes when humans try to live in The Future. But we were created for the Present… So when we worry, we are like Fish out of Water. ( Matthew 6:34 )

DeonVsEarth- More Writing

This year I really need to do more Writing… My Thoughts, Ideas, and Plans will change the world. 🙂

Nothing without God

We can do Nothing without God. we couldn’t even tie our SHOES without drooling if he had not given us the Mental Capacity to do such. Its amazing how we sometimes, we can forget that.