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Woman told daughter died at Birth. 49 years later, She Meets Her [VIDEO]

The Reunion: As reported by Fox2Now — 49 years ago, a woman was told that her daughter died just hours after being born. With a broken heart, she left the hospital having no idea that her child was still alive. … Continue reading

VIRAL: Despite all Odds, Watch 2-year old kid take his first steps

As reported by ABC News — “A 2-year-old born with a rare birth defect that resulted in the amputations of both a foot and a leg is proving to be an inspiration after a YouTube video captured him saying, “I … Continue reading

REPORT: Bank of Israel sets interest rate at all-time Low

According to sources — after a period of several months keeping interest rates steady at 0.25 percent, the Bank of Israel lowered its rate to 0.1 percent, the lowest in Israel’s history. This new interest rate is 0.4 percentage points … Continue reading

Syrian Christians: ‘We only have the Almighty Left to Protect us’

On Monday, ISIS rampaged through Christian Assyrian villages in an onslaught that has yet to make prominent headlines in America. The Vice president of the Assyrian Church in Lebanon (Yatroun Colliana) noted that… “ISIS terrorists carried out this attack against … Continue reading

DREAM: Terror is not coming to America, Its already Here

Hey guys, Deon Here. I am writing this blog post to share a Dream that I had some months back. In this dream, I was in a school that was filled with both American children and American adults, but the … Continue reading

DEONVSEARTH T-Shirts Now Available! | Limited!

DeonVsEarth T-Shirts Available Hey everyone! We just wanted to publish this quick post to alert our Readers that we now have DeonVsEarth T-shirts available! If you are interested in grabbing one, feel free to Order your T-shirt at anytime! All … Continue reading

Lion King Cast bursts into song on Flight! | [VIDEO]

In this video, the cast from the movie ‘Lion King’ burst into song on their flight from Bisbane to Sydney. They performed their hit single “Circle of Life”. If you are a big fan of music and nice vocals then … Continue reading

New DeonVsEarth Contributor! | Ann Thomas

Hey Readers! Deon Here. As you already know DeonVsEarth recently began a campaign in which we have opened our doors to more Christian writers. By doing this, not only do we hope that our readers will be able to find … Continue reading, Losing Credibility with each “Debunk” | Attacks INFOwars & BeforeItsNews

Shots Fired: Snopes attacks BeforeItsNews: If you are familiar with Conspiracy theories then there is a great chance that you have run across the SNOPES website on more than one occasion. For those who are unfamiliar with it, SNOPES is … Continue reading

Watch as man TEARS UP the Church dance floor! | Oh Happy Day

No matter who you are or how bad your day may have been going so far, I am almost certain that this video will do nothing short of make you smile if not outright laugh! I am not sure why, … Continue reading