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REPORT: As US Military is ‘Downsized’, Russia Preparing for WW3

Growing Conflict: As reported by  Michael Snyder — “The Russian military and the U.S. military are going in two very different directions. Military spending in Russia is increasing by a whopping 33 percent this year alone, and the Russians are … Continue reading

REPORT: Malaysia Flight 370, a ‘Covert Operation’ ? [VIDEO]

MH370: Location? Unknown In 2014, a Malaysian airliner disappeared from the face of the earth — along with its pilots and all of its passengers. 1 year later (today), the whereabouts of the plane and its passengers are still unknown. … Continue reading

Nickelodeon: indoctrinated 1990s Generation to accept “Prometheus” Theory

Hey guys, Deon Here. While surfing online I stumbled into a cartoon that I watched as a kid named “Prometheus and Bob”. If you were a kid in the 1990s — you probably grew up with this cartoon as well … Continue reading

Christian persecution, Reaching Biblical Proportions? [VIDEO]

(CBN) — In the video you are about to watch, Gordon Robertson and Evangelist Franklin Graham discuss the rise of Christian persecution not just in the middle-east, but all over the globe as well. In today’s ‘Tolerant’ culture, the secular … Continue reading

SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram Blocks users from sharing Christian Faith

What is ‘Instagram’? For those unaware, Instagram (also known as IG) is a mobile photo-sharing and video-sharing social-networking platform that allows users to take photos and share them with a wide variety of other platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, … Continue reading

Syrian Christians: ‘We only have the Almighty Left to Protect us’

On Monday, ISIS rampaged through Christian Assyrian villages in an onslaught that has yet to make prominent headlines in America. The Vice president of the Assyrian Church in Lebanon (Yatroun Colliana) noted that… “ISIS terrorists carried out this attack against … Continue reading

POLL: 72% of Israelis don’t Trust President Barack Obama

Israel Speaks: ‘We don’t Trust Him’ According to a recent poll conducted by the Times of Israel, 3 in 4 Israelis do NOT trust President Obama when it comes to stopping Iran from attaining a Nuclear stockpile which would undoubtedly … Continue reading

Woman Survives Adolf Hitler | Says America is on same path [VIDEO]

Within the last 5 years, we have noticed drastic changes in America and within not only our military but within the economic and legislative structure of our country as a whole. The woman who you are about to watch ( … Continue reading

U.S. Gov Cracking down on ‘Preppers’ | EPA Bans 80% of wood-stoves

United States: Energy Crack-down? Have you ever heard of “Global Warming”? What about “Climate Change”? Whatever you decide to name it — the United States government has seriously been taking steps to fight this invisible enemy while continuing to insult … Continue reading

Atlanta Fire Chief: ‘I was fired for my Christian Faith’ | Must Read

Kelvin Cochran Fired for Christian convictions: Since the age of 5, Kelvin Cochran knew that he wanted to be a fire-fighter. “My family was very, very poor.” said Cochran. He continued… “We were living in a shotgun house in an … Continue reading