
Chris Brown calls EBOLA epidemic ‘Population Control’ | Faces Backlash

chris-brown-ebolaChris Brown, The popular recording artist tweeted himself into a corner last Monday when he tweeted the following message to his 13.7 million twitter followers.

“I don’t know … but I think this Ebola epidemic is a form of population control. S*** is getting crazy, bruh.”

Although many his fans loved the tweet (and proved it with over 40k Retweets and 30k FAVs) —

Brown has since faced a massive media backlash from several mainstream media sources such as Huffington Post, Fox News, and TMZ.

One can only conclude that Chris Brown’s “Masters” aren’t too pleased with his comments.

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READ NEXT: UN says world has 60 days to stop Ebola — OR ELSE [VIDEO] | SHOCKING

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