
ISLAM: Muslim Mob Chases UK Cops from ‘No-Go’ Zone [VIDEO]

Last Updated: 2/5/15

As reported by Michele Hickford, Steve Emerson (a guest on Judge Jeanine Piro’s show) made the assertion that there were certain cities within the the United Kingdom that had essentially become ‘No-Go’ zones for non-muslims.

He specifically named Birmingham, England which he said had become “Totally Muslim”.

“In Britain, it’s not just no-go zones, there are actual cities like Birmingham that are totally Muslim where non-Muslims just simply don’t go in,” said Emerson.

He continued …

“And, parts of London, there are actually Muslim religious police that actually beat and actually wound seriously anyone who doesn’t dress according to religious Muslim attire.”

Emerson was later attacked because he insinuated that Birmingham, England’s population was “Totally Muslim” when it is actually more along the lines of 4-5% of the population that is Muslim.

After hearing his remarks, Prime Minister David Cameron of the UK called Emerson a “Complete Idiot”

“When I heard this, frankly, I choked on my porridge and I thought it must be April fool’s day.” — Said Cameron

Muslim Mob Chases UK POLICE:

Although Birmingham England may not be 100% Muslim as Emerson mistakenly stated, there is no doubt that the number of Muslim citizens in the UK has increased exponentially in the last 3 decades and continues to drastically rise.

If history has taught us nothing, it has definitely taught us that there is strength in numbers. Therefore because the UK is quickly being drowned by waves and waves of Muslim immigrants — It won’t be long until the Nation’s power is completely usurped by The Sharia.

Checkout this undated video of a “Peaceful” Muslim protest reportedly in the UK.

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