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NEWS: Obama received detailed intel about the rise of ISIS 1 year early — Yet Did Nothing. [VIDEO]

Source: President obama was fully aware of isis New information has emerged that suggests President Obama knew about the rise of the Islamic State (ISIS or ISIL) an entire year before they began their conquest in Iraq which essentially lead … Continue reading

President Obama: ISIS is Not Islamic because I Said So.

Lately, President Obama has received an explosion of criticism from both sides of the political aisle for his “Do Nothing” foreign policy which has essentially allowed ISIS (Now an Army) to conquer most of Iraq. Yesterday evening — In an … Continue reading

American Muslim flies to Syria to fight with ISIS, gets killed by Jihadist

Douglas McArthur McCain — an American Muslim left the United States in order to go and fight with ISIS, a terror-trained militant group that aims to destroy America. This group also burns churches and beheads Christian men, women, and children … Continue reading

Gen. Dempsey: ISIS cannot be stopped except U.S. Intervention | President Obama rejects Intervention

General Martin E. Dempsey declared to reporters in a Pentagon briefing that ISIS is a force unlike anything America has ever seen coming out of the region. He continue by stating that unless U.S. intervention occurs in the mid-east to … Continue reading

James Foley, Martyr for the cause of Allah? | Something doesn’t seem Right [VIDEO]

After hearing the news about the brutal death of the U.S. journalist James “Jim” Foley by the militant group ISIS — the world was virtually in shock. So after I posted the blog post pertaining to the President’s address regarding … Continue reading

President Obama addresses Beheading of U.S Journalist James Foley [VIDEO]

Watch The Full Address Below: recently, a video was released by the militant group formerly known as ISIS (now calling themselves IS for “Islamic State”) in which they behead an American Journalist by the name of James “Jim” Foley. Foley … Continue reading

Allen West: Barack Obama working against US security interest | The Sabotage of America

Allen Bernard West is an American political commentator. He served as member of the United States House of Representatives and is also a retired U.S. army lieutenant colonel. On his Wednesday blog-post — lieutenant West “spared his the rod” when … Continue reading

“We will raise the flag of Allah over the Whitehouse” says ISIS| Terror invades America [VIDEO]

Since the start of America’s war in Iraq — never before had the world heard of the now famous terror-cell known as ISIS. The group seemingly sprouted up overnight, and made a name for itself that has now exceeded the … Continue reading

American funded ISIS take-over in Iraq | Establishing the Islamic Caliphate [VIDEO]

Although most people are familiar with the Genocide of the Jewish people living in Germany during the political rise of Adolf Hitler, very few people would believe that an event such as this would ever occur again with America helping … Continue reading