
They Sold their Souls for Rock’N Roll | The truth behind Hard-Rock Music [VIDEO series]

The video series you are about to watch is a documentary that exposes many of the secrets in the rock industry that have been hiding in plain sight from the general public.

Although many people have been trained to think that Music is simply an enjoyable hobby, this video series will suggest that there is a little more to music and lyrics (primarily rock) that meets the eye.

Furthermore although this documentary will primary address the “Hard Rock” genre, we ask our readers look beyond the surface and realize that no matter what genre Music belongs to — the same fundamental truth holds true — Music and Lyrics both have the power to change hearts and minds.

The Bible even suggest that the eyes and ears are both doorways into spirit (1 Thes 5:22), Therefore we encourage all Christians to be mindful and vigilant on what we allow to enter through those doorways.

Video #1:

Video #2:

Video #3:

Video #4:

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