
U.S. Pastors show overwhelming support for Netanyahu’s upcoming address

As reported by OneNewsNow — Since it was announced that Netanyahu would address Congress March 3rd, several Democratic members have suggested they will not attend the speech. The White House has also expressed displeasure with the prime minister’s upcoming visit, calling it “a departure from protocol.”

Sam Rohrer, president of the American Pastors Network, tells OneNewsNow his organization sent a letter to House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) expressing its support of his decision to invite the Israeli leader to address Congress, “to tell him it’s critical from the standpoint of God’s blessing on this nation that our national leaders come alongside and support the nation of Israel, and that when we as a nation walk away, as our president has, it will incur God’s judgment.”

“It’s pretty simple,” Rohrer states. “This is a matter of national security, we believe — how we align ourselves with the nation of Israel.”

Rohrer believes that the current administration’s snub of Israel must be countered by the support of American Christians nationwide.

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